Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day!

Sunday night the snow started falling and in just a couple of hours the ground was covered with three or four inches, a HUGE deal for Alabama! That meant no school on Monday and we got outside one time in it to play.

It was cold! The snow was covered with a layer of ice so it really wasn't the best for snowman building but Grace didn't seem to care.

I dislike this photo for obvious reasons but my two favorite people are in it, and I did make a resolution to take more family pictures.

We used a rubbermaid top as a sled. It worked perfectly!

I have enjoyed being "stuck" inside with my little family for the past few days. The snow has melted some but the temperature is supposed to be in the teens tonight and I'm not sure we'll be able to go anywhere tomorrow either. So much for spring weather days! I did some major grocery shopping last Thursday so we've been great on food. However, I forgot one neccesary item - Toilet Paper! We are almost out here. I guess it's a good thing I just bought a huge bag of paper towels! As I type this I see that it is snowing again!

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