Saturday, January 30, 2010

Happy Birthday, Sophia!

We spent this morning at the Tigue house having brunch to celebrate Sophia's (FiFi) 2nd birthday. This is one of Grace's best buds from school and they were so excited to be together! FiFi's mother and I work together and go to school together so we are pretty tight, too!

How cute are these overalls?? Tiffany got them at Smartiebritches.

Today was one of those times when I realized how grown up my own baby has become!

FiFi was feeling really unsure about the whole party!

Tiffanys girls' always have the cutest cakes. Their grandmother makes them.

Where's FiFi????

She crawled under the table to hide during Happy Birthday!!

I feel sure we will be pulling these out for a video in 16 years!

Happy birthday sweet Sophia! We love you!!

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