Sunday, February 21, 2010


We enjoyed a beautiful weekend playing outside. There is not much to report other than I have had to be very, very patient with Grace as the words "Miiiine!" and "Nnnnno Momma!" could be heard numerous times. She even screamed at the poor checkout lady at Wal-Mart because she did not want her touching the things that were "Miiiiine!" Here is little Miss Sassy-frass herself...

She has also developed some habits like throwing food and her cup which I am at a loss of what to do about. I would LOVE some suggestions for this!
The weather was perfect! I'm amazed how just one week ago we were playing in snow and today it was over 70 degrees!

Jon and I ask that you lift his dad up in your prayers this week. After having stomach pains all morning, he went to the Emergency Room to find out he would need his Appendix removed. The surgery went perfectly and he should be home tomorrow. Thank you God for taking care of Grace's Granddad who we would all be lost without!!

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